Netanyahu says weapons supply delay by US to be “resolved in near future”


Published: 2024-06-23 13:02

Last Updated: 2024-07-12 18:19

“Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the weekly cabinet meeting today in Jerusalem. (June 23, 2024)
“Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the weekly cabinet meeting today in Jerusalem. (June 23, 2024)

“Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today the discord with the United States over delay of weapons would be resolved soon.

At a weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu defends the english-speaking video he posted last week censuring the United States for delaying weapons shipments to “Israel”.

He said that there has been a “dramatic drop” in arms supply to the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) starting four months ago.

“For many weeks we appealed to our American friends to speed up the shipments. We did it time and time again. We did this at the senior echelons, and at all levels, and I want to emphasize — we did it in private chambers. We got all kinds of explanations, but we didn’t get one thing: the basic situation didn’t change.”

“Certain items trickled in, but the bulk of armaments were left behind,” Netanyahu said.

“After months with no change in the situation, I decided to express it publicly,” Netanyahu continues in defending his decision.

“I am ready to suffer personal attacks for the sake of Israel’s security,” he declared.